Please take a moment to read my story.
I came up with the idea for LoopRope the summer of 2009.
Just like the guy next to me at the disposal station, I was
struggling to untie a rats nest of knots in a rope holding down
my tarp.
Being a guy not good at tying knots in the first place,
it occurred to me just how useful a rope would be with hitch
knots in it whereby I could zip tie them together to create the
tensions I needed to hold stuff in place. I went directly
to the local hardware store, bought some industrial
zip ties and a rope, tied hitch knots in it and used it
just as planned.
It worked and after much prototyping in
my garage I have landed on what it is today, a product that
eliminates the daily use of dangerous and limiting bungee cords
and messy cargo nets. LoopRope is fully adjustable, safer than
traditional bungee cords and it never tangles.
I refer to it as LoopTechnology as the uses are truly endless!
Jeff Dahl - Inventor